What is E-Client Trader
E-Client is an online platform that we have developed to provide our clients with a simple, fast and secure securities brokerage service.
E-Client is an online platform that we have developed to provide our clients with a simple, fast and secure securities brokerage service.
The E-Client Trader Platform is intended exclusively for Momentum Securities clients and only they have access.
Call us or send us an email to become our client and get more information about our services and terms of business.
Sign a contract today and trade securities in markets around the world tomorrow.
Call us directly at
+381 21 67 28 700
+381 11 63 01 117
Markets covered by E-Client Trader: North America (New York, Toronto...), Europe (Frankfurt, Paris, Amsterdam, Vienna, Belgrade...) Asia (Tokyo, Hong Kong...) and Australia (Sydney...).
Don't see the market you're interested in?
You can check the information on the availability of a specific market at any time by sending an inquiry to our Email: office@momentum.rs or by calling these numbers: +381 21 67 28 700, +381 11 63 01 117.
Momentum Securities provides its clients with access to the domestic market directly, as a member of the Belgrade Stock Exchange and through renowned global intermediaries, such as Erste Group Bank, based in Vienna, for foreign markets.
Real-time trading
We communicate with all our partners via the FIX protocol (Financial Information eXchange), which enables trading processes to take place in real time.
Momentum Securities is a broker-dealer company registered in Serbia that operates with a relevant license and controlled by the Serbian Securities Commission. All processes that take place through our trading platform are compliant with the relevant legislation.
From a technical point of view, the security of users accessing the web application is twofold. The first step is creation of username and password. Once the client accesses the server, the system generates a special token that is necessary for any further activity in the program. Any other way of accessing through any external client without such token is not possible. Client-to-server traffic is encrypted using a certificate on the server (https).
Our professional team is available every working day from 09:00am to 10:00pm. In a direct conversation with our brokers, you can get all the necessary information, from technical assistance related to the platform to market information on stocks and securities around the world.
Our brokers are available by phone: +381 11 630 11 17 and +381 21 67 28 700 or Email: office@momentum.rs
All documents, certificates and notices are primarily written in Serbian and aligned with requirements of domestic legal and tax rules.
All documents are also available in English.